4 | 1er semestre 2022

Ce numéro permet une mise en lumière du nouveau paradigme dans la relation de soin conceptualisé au début de la décennie précédente. Il est ouvert par un article d’une patiente partenaire.

1. Analyse réflexive du partenariat en santé à partir de mon expérience de patiente-partenaire: Constats, réflexions et recommandations

Lisa Laroussi-Libeault.
In Switzerland, the context is relatively favorable to patient engagement, which encouraged me to get involved in the health care system. Since 2019, I have been able to experience partnership with various actors, different institutional structures, and at several levels. Despite a positive environment for the deployment of patient partnership, thanks to political, institutional, and financial incentives, the implementation of the new paradigm is facing many obstacles. Obstacles that I faced in my journey as a patient-partner. The following analysis is conducted based on my last three years of engagement as a patient partner in the health system.

2. La participation des patients : défis et enjeux de la co-innovation en santé connectée

Edgar Charles Mbanza.
With connected health and more particularly with the so-called "intelligent" technologies, the patient is faced with a real paradoxical injunction. On the one hand, the new solutions insistently solicit "patient work", making him not a simple user, but a true "co-creator of values" at the very heart of the system's operability. On the other hand, it is the opacity that is observed as the networks spread into the patients' living environments and as the solutions increase their computing power. While patient involvement is becoming an obvious necessity, I propose here to review some of the obstacles to participation in the specific field of current digital innovations. After having painted a sociological picture of the participating patient, I will also underline the interest of forging new categories in order to integrate the most ordinary digital and therapeutic competences and not only those of patient-experts. Finally, I intend to argue in favor of a dynamic and pragmatic framework of participation in co-innovation, a framework able to take into account the heterogeneity of experiential commitments and to resituate the patient's word within the interactional configurations of care (with the other parties involved) and of a shared quest for change.

3. Innover en partenariat par la création d’une aide à la décision d’applications mobiles dans la relation médecin-patient : la recherche ApiAppS

Luigi Flora ; David Darmon ; Stéfan J. Darmoni ; Grosjean Julien ; Christian Simon ; Parina Hassanaly ; Jean-Charles Dufour.
This article presents a research funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) on the design of a prescription decision aid for mobile health applications for French general practitioners. This research, proposed by an inter-university consortium, has become an interdisciplinary development in partnership with patients. The article sheds light on both the phases constituted mobilizing in turn, the different researchers, professionals, citizens and patients, the modalities of partnership initiated as well as the results of the research.