6 | 1er semestre 2023

Ce numéro propose des contributions sur le mouvement des entendeurs de voix selon le prisme de psychologues, la prévention buccodentaire dès l’enfance dans une perspective de santé publique et, enfin, la pédagogie médicale et de recherche à travers un processus de partenariat dans l’attribution de prix de thèse de médecine.

1. Rien sur nous sans nous : études exploratoires et participatives des groupes des entendeurs de voix en France

Renaud Evrard ; Arthur Braun ; Clémentine Raffort.
Hearing voices is a human experience that no longer belongs solely to the fields of psychiatry and psychology. Over the past forty years, the perception of this phenomenon has been gradually transformed for mental health professionals, classification manuals and voice hearers themselves. This evolution is underpinned by the emergence of an international movement, the Hearing Voices Movement, made up of voice-hearers and, in some cases, users or former users of psychiatry. With the aim of proposing new forms of support for these experiences, a number of groups aimed at voice hearers have gradually emerged. Our two exploratory studies, based on questionnaires created in collaboration with voice hearers and group facilitators, examine the therapeutic evaluation of these settings, as well as mental health professionals' perceptions of them.

2. Santé bucco-dentaire, petite enfance et précarité : une analyse des freins et des leviers à l’accès aux soins à travers le vécu des familles

Alice Vabre ; Isabelle Millot.
Oral health is a relevant issue in public health due to the frequency of oral diseases and their impacts on health, social and professional insertion. Most of these affections could be avoided with healthy behaviors and easier use of care. However, social inequalities in health and access to care are present from early childhood. Prevention actions and support in the care pathway adapted to vulnerable populations are necessary in order to improve partnership with families, prevention and access to care from early childhood. This study aims to explore the representations about oral health and oral care from parents of children aged from 1 to 6 years old identified as being in a precarious situation and living in Dijon and its conurbation.

3. Attribuer un prix de thèse de médecine générale en partenariat avec des patients partenaires : une expérience de démarche participative

Luigi Flora ; Céline Casta ; Stéphane Munck ; Stéphanie Fauré ; Fabrice Gasperini ; Sébastien Rubinstein ; David Darmon ; Marielle Ravot ; Tiphanie Bouchez.
This article describes how the procedures for awarding a thesis prize in family medicine were reorganized in a participatory approach in partnership with patients and training supervisors, in line with a social responsibility approach. It describes the initial procedures, how and why the selection process was modified, and discusses the contributions and issues that this has raised, before concluding with one of the results: the durability of this new way of awarding the thesis prize, a way of recognizing the quality of research carried out in family medicine theses and potentially of making this type of work more visible.